11/15 HYYH On Stage VCR Interviews

Interviews with the BTS members from the The Most Beautiful Moment in Life/HYYH On Stage Tour VCR. The transcription is from HYYH On Stage DVD Disc 2 Part 3.

p. 1 – Namjoon
p. 2 – Yoongi
p. 3 – Seokjin
p. 4 – Hoseok
p. 5 – Jimin
p. 6 – Taehyung
p. 7 – Jungkook


Q. What were your childhood dreams?

RM: Before I had serious dreams, I’ve had many dreams including a rabbit, dad, security guard, and stationary store owner. And many things. More serious dreams were… to become a poet and a writer. I loved writing words and poems so whenever I had essay contests and other writing contests I won awards, so I thought I had a full potential in literature. So I had written a lot of writings and poems and I just had a vague idea that’s what I’d be in the future. I was seriously considering to apply for department of creative writing in college. So my first serious dreams were a poet and a writer. My next dream was to become an office employee. As a child, I saw my dad looking dashing going to work in an office. Actually I realized about the dark side and my father’s troubles only after I passed the age of twenty little by little. Um… before that, I thought my dad looked amazing in his white dress shirt and all that so I always wanted to be a successful businessman like him, that’s what I thought. So just when my passion for literature started to cool off… ‘Forget literature, let’s just make a lot of money.’ To get in a good company like my father… So back then I loved making speeches and presentations so oddly enough, I wanted to become a businessman, I guess. Eventually, giving up all those dreams I got into music. Since 7th grade, I have had my last dream as I started music. A musician, singer, rapper. A musician. I think… The passion I had about literature transpired on to lyrics as I rap and the passion that wanted to express myself to the world through becoming a businessman turned out in a slightly different form and is expressed through music. So the literal things I wanted to do or the presentations I wanted to do as a businessman eventually was realized with music, I guess. So this is really good for me. And at a relatively young age compared to others I get to realize and achieve my dreams. I am in the process of realizing my dreams so I think that I am very lucky and fortunate.

Q. Now that your dream of becoming a singer has come true, are you having the most beautiful moment in your life?

RM: Well… I don’t think I can say for sure. ‘Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa’ means the most beautiful moment in life and I wish [this very moment] won’t be the most beautiful moment. For anyone. Bust as I’ve said before [right now] I am realizing my dreams doing what I wanted to do and unleashing my passion to express my worth to the world in a comprehensive way, in variety. So I am certain [right now] is a very beautiful moment. I can say for sure that [this moment] is a beautiful moment.